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University of Maryland

  • Three-week long computer programming and artificial intelligence (AI) summer camp.

  • Covered Core AI and Programming Lessons

  • Collaborated/Presented Research Project with other students at symposium

  • Learned about the history of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Networked with guest speakers and faculty

  • Went on virtual field trips

Summer Programs: Text
Summer Programs: Work

Mini Project Presentation

Project Website

Summer Programs: Files

Summer in Sustainability and the Environment

Indiana University

  • Four, 1-week-long modules, each focused on a different environmental or sustainability-related subject and lead by IU faculty

  • Live lectures, including question & answer sessions and discussions, featuring IU faculty, staff, and students

  • Hands-on activities designed to be completed at home or in your neighborhood, with family members and/or fellow participants

  • A certificate of completion; contact information for all faculty, staff, and student instructors; and further resources and activities for particularly passionate participants!

Summer Programs: Price List

Week 1 - Parks & Rec. | Public Health

Group project where students had to design a park and describe the precautions they'd take to prioritize the health and safety of the ecosystem, employees, and visitors

Week 2 - Sustainable Fashion

Group project where students had to discuss the issues and challenges within the fashion industry and solutions to make it more sustainable.

Week 3 - Urban Forest Management

Individual Project where students had to record data about the trees in their local environment and create a tree inventory.

Week 4 - Environmental Communication

Group Project where students had to create a piece of media that communicates information about the environment to a target audience.

Summer Programs: Files
Summer Programs: Work
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National Youth Leadership Forum - National Defense

Nafees attended the NYLF conference for National defense over the summer in ninth grade. He visited our nation's capital and was able to tour through government buildings such as the Pentagon and the House. He also got to meet and talk to guest speakers from the military, congress, and the FBI. Nafees had to partake in a simulation where he had to work in a team to coordinate the defense of the nation.

Summer Programs: Image

NJIT Academy Courses

Nafees took a Fundamentals of Engineering 101 class at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) where he learned how to use Computer Aided-Design (CAD) software. Below are some examples of blueprints Nafees created.

Summer Programs: Text
Summer Programs: Work
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