Professional Online Portfolio
The Food We Eat - TedxButler
Justin Krebs for City Council Internship
Justin Krebs was a candidate for city council in the 39th District in Brooklyn and Nafees was on his policy team. Nafees conducted research on the topic of "Food Waste", before drafting and publishing a 1- pager, white paper, and press release. Nafees was also on the social media and podcast teams and helped to create graphics, do copywriting, and contacting podcasts for Justin Krebs to speak on. Below is a link to the policy paper Nafees wrote.

Engineering Department Internship
Nafees worked as an intern for the Fair Lawn Engineering Department and worked both in the office and in the field. Most of the work he did was related to civil engineering and urban housing development/planning. Nafees worked alongside experienced mentors to take grade shots of the local streets in his community.
Fair Lawn Gardening Committee
Nafees is an official member of the Fair Lawn Gardening Committee. The Gardening Committee's mission is to beautify public places in Fair Lawn. Nafees works with other members of the committee in the field to help take care of public gardens. He even made it on to a local newspaper.
INCORRUPTIBLE.US is a state-wide youth Tobacco Action Group, a prevention and cessation program for youth 13-18. Nafees is a member and has spread awareness by participating in competitions such as the one to the right.
Fair Lawn Police Explorer's Program
Nafees joined the explorer's program in ninth grade and he is still currently involved in the organization. Nafees had to attend monthly meetings where he learned topics taught to real police officers, such as use of force, criminal justice, and using the phonetic alphabet to communicate. He also had to participate in real-life scenarios where he build communication and investigating skills. Over the summer, Nafees had to attend a week long Police Academy where he had to wake up early for Physical Training (PT), go on marches, participate in simulations, and listen to guest speakers.

Juicy Platters
Nafees worked as a Team Member at Juicy Platters, a Mediterranean style restaurant that emphasizes high performance and fast delivery.